Thursday, April 21, 2016

The first lady

The first women.

Debra Milke was convicted of murder in 1990 and sentenced to the death penalty. Debra supposedly killed her 4 year old son when he really stopped breathing in the middle of the night. Debra tried her best and gave him CPR but the doctors said it was nothing they could do. The next day she went into the police station gave a statement and the cop balled it up and through It in the trash and said she killed her son. In 2013 Debra was found innocent due to the officer previously history of misconduct and witnesses stepping forward.

My thoughts : Its crazy how judges believe anything that a cop says out his mouth just because he/she has a badge on its bad people out here in this world don't let a badge fool you.

The first man

First innocent man.

Cameron Todd Willingham was the first man ever to be executed by the death penalty but was innocent at the end. He was sentenced to death row in 1992 for the murder of his 2 daughters by arson. Cameron was executed in 2004, years later a scientist proved that the fire was not set intentionally and Cameron was innocent. His last words was "I'm innocent"

My thoughts : I don't even know why would the judge and juries even think that someone be able to kill there own daughters on purpose. During his trials they showed multiple pictures and videos of him with his daughters smiling and having fun and they still found him guilty. They decision that they made was incorrect and they should feel bad that they killed and innocent man.

Fun Facts


1. At least 1 in 25 people sentenced to the death penalty in the U.S. are innocent.

2. Iran sentences its citizens to the death penalty if they decide to change their religion from Islam.

3. Drug possession and trafficking are punished in Singapore with the death penalty.

4. Possessing Bibles, watching South Korean movies and distributing pornography may be punished with death in North Korea.

5. Crucifixion is still an official form of death penalty in Sudan.

6.  In 1944, a 14-year-old African-American was executed in the U.S. after a quick 2-hour trial with little evidence.

7.  Nike's slogan "Just do it" was inspired by the last words of a man about to be executed.

Religions Feelings

How do religions feel about the death penalty ?

Religions oppose the death penalty. One religion that oppose the death penalty is Christians in the bible it says "You shall not murder." Exdodus 20:13. Another religion is Islam in the Quran says "If you was to kill someone it will be as though you killed the whole mankind.". It also contradicts 

My thoughts : How do the government expect us to follow the rules they set for us and they don't follow the rules they religions wants us to follow ?

5 ways to die

Ways to be executed?
There is multiple ways to be executed from the death penalty lethal injection is the primary method. Lethal Injection (A needle full of chemicals get put inside your body) Electrocution (Strap you to a chair and electrocute you until you die) Gas Chamber (lock you in a cage and put a bunch of nitrogen gas inside) Hanging (Hang you from a the ceiling so you cant breath) Firing Squad (A row of people line up with guns and shoot at you)

My thought : When I first I read this I was so mad !!! I was mad because of the multiple ways people are able to be executed. The main one that made me mad was the hanging I say this because slavery is over and they made it where you can still get hung and its 2016.

Money to kill someone

What's the cost of the death penalty?

Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the death penalty is involved cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000.

My thoughts : The first word that came to my head after reading this was pointless. To me it seem as though the people that's out here doing bad and causing problem is getting more money spent on them then the ones doing right. I go to school everyday and used books from so many years ago when the money they are spending on people on death row can go to kids education.

First women to be executed

First women executed from the death penalty?

The first female to be executed that people know of is Mary Surratt (the picture below). She was not the first person ever to be executed she was just the the first person that people can remember.The first women to be executed was actually Jane Champion in 1603. Jane was hung in Virginia for a crime that they cant remember.

My thoughts : When I read this I didn't believe that the Jane Champion was the first person executed. I figured this because if some people don't know about her it can be somebody before her that you cant remember. Its just certain stuff that have me to think some stuff happened before history that we don't know about.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

First man executed

First man executed from the death penalty?

The first recorded execution in the new colonies was  of Captain George Kendall (picture to the left) in the Jamestown colony of Virginia in 1608.Kendall was executed for being a spy for Spain. 4 years later they created a new law. The new law stated that the death penalty can be used for petty crimes also (stealing grapes, killing chickens, and trading with Indians)

My thoughts : After finding out why Captain George Kendall was executed I was surprised that they had spies out in 1608. Once I heard that I had to read more. Later I found out that they made the death penalty able to be used for minor offenses.

Birth Of The Death Penalty

When did the death penalty begin?

The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which made the death penalty able to be used in 25 different crimes. 

My thoughts : When I first found this out I didn't believe that the death penalty has been out for that long.